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Pregnancy can cause gestational diabetes, which needs to be carefully managed for the mother'...
Pregnancy is a beautiful journey that brings many changes to a woman's body. Maintaining a nu...
If you are battling a fever or just feeling a bit off, it's time for your body to get the rig...
Effective Weight loss tips are the magic spell everybody needs today. What if there was a delicio...
Moong Dal: A Nutrient-Rich Solution for Your Weight Loss Journey
From Gut Health to Weight Loss - Exploring the Best Fish to Eat in India
What is GUT RESET ? Gut health affects our sleep, moo...
Gut health has been in its prime importance. Doctors, Researchers, Nutritionists and othe...
The Role of Gut Bacteria in our health and well being It has been foun...
Healthy food can be expensive, and eating a healthy fruit and vegetable diet can be difficult if ...
The trillions of microorganisms that make up our gut microbiome and reside in our digestive tract...
The hormonal condition called PCOD or polycystic ovary syndrome, affects women who are of reprodu...
If you want to lose weight, eat more vegetables and reduce sugar. You may see progress at first, ...
Ghee is a powerful metabolism booster. Ayurvedic superfood that ignites Agni, the fire of digesti...
Seventy percent of heart attacks are between 30-60 age group in India. The range is broad and lat...
Hi Everyone, Hope you all are being safe and healthy. Its, time for holidays, New Year ...
Continuous seasonal cough in kids can be stressful for parents. The seasonal allergy seas...
Most silicon giant do make our eyes pop with exquisitely layed buffet tables at cafeteria, fancy ...
There are lot of times when we lack the motivation or are not sure on how to go back to the fitne...
There always has been this argument that why we need detox when our body has its own natural mech...
Ayurveda believes that each food item available has a certain beneficial Guna, quality in them, w...
What is Dincharya in Ayurveda? Exactly as the term refers to, Din means daily and charya means ro...
Constipation is a very common condition and it is affecting a large number of the population on d...
Menopause is the natural phase in women’s life. In Ayurveda menopause (“Rajo Nivrutti...
In Ayurveda, the woman is considered to be “Shakti”. Their bodies are complex yet pow...
According to Ayurveda Obesity is described as “Sthaulya”. Continuous eating of high-f...
Ayurveda has given lot of emphasis on Immunity for healthy living The Sanskrit word Bal...
The word Ayurveda means the science of life. Ayurveda believes the human body and the universe ar...
The three primary doshas are Vata or wind, Pitta or fire, and Kapha or water. We are born with al...
In India's traditional medical system of Ayurveda, Ritucharya is the term for the dietary and...
According to Ayurveda the tongue is not just an organ of taste only but also a strong tool for di...
Perhaps Ayurveda the world’s oldest and continuously practiced medical science, Ayurveda, o...
Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar. The hormone insulin moves sugar fro...
Giloy has found lot of love in the modern world. Ayurveda calls Giloy as the nectar because of it...
Most of the time a very common query I receive from my clients, especially women, is about hair f...
In Ayurveda, Lotus stem has been said to be very beneficial for pregnant ladies. If you we look a...
In Ayurveda, dravya guna quality of every matter is described, fruits, vegetables, herbs, metals ...
Pregnancy is the natural process after marriage or as per a lady’s choice to feel the proud...
Diabetes, can be defined under metabolic diseases, in which the person has high blood glucose (bl...
Thyroid disorders are conditions that affect the thyroid gland. It is autoimmune diseas...
People want to detox with powders, pills and something green to drink, without putting much thoug...
When we talk about Ayurvedic diet, firstly it is important that people understand the benefits of...
There always has been lot of speculation on which oil is good for health,or whether one should us...
Gradually the temperature is coming down, taking along health with viral fever, cold, cough and a...