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Easy Ways to Support Your Weight Loss Journey with Broiler Chickens

Effective Weight loss tips are the magic spell everybody needs today. What if there was a delicious way to attain it? Yes. Chicken is one of the most preferred popular foods worldwide. It is delicious and incredibly nutritious, with an abundance of high protein vitamins and minerals. 

But is chicken good for weight loss? Many people attempting to lose weight include it in their diet. In fact, eating just chicken is the focus of a current diet field. 

Since, there are a few things you should know about eating chicken for weight reduction before you stock up on the stuff and include it in every meal.

Is chicken a good choice for Losing weight? 

One of the most frequently discussed benefits of eating chicken is its potential to aid with weight loss. 

High Level of Protein 

Research has shown that the main factor contributing to chicken's ability to help people lose weight is its high protein level. With 21.5 grams of protein in 100 grams of raw chicken, chicken is a substantial source of protein.

Incorporating chicken as a protein source into a well-balanced diet has several benefits. Protein increases metabolism, aids post-workout recovery, and makes you feel fuller for longer. 

Several studies have shown that consuming more protein might help maintain lean body mass and encourage weight loss. While comparing, chicken contains higher protein levels than moong dal, which is plant-based. 

When combined with consistent physical training and strengthening activities, protein promotes muscle growth, raising resting metabolic expenditure. This makes chicken a vital part of a diet meant to increase muscle mass. 

Reduced Cholesterol and Fat 

Studies reveal that chicken is a healthier substitute for red meat because it has lower cholesterol and saturated fat. To avoid dangerous chemicals and additives, it is imperative to select chicken that is natural and organic. 

Minimal Calorie Content 

Chicken's low-calorie content is another factor contributing to its effectiveness as a weight-loss food. It is critical to sustain a calorie deficit when trying to lose weight. It focuses on consuming fewer calories than you burn off. 

With only 120 calories per hundred grams, raw skinless broiler chicken is a great food option for anyone trying to reduce weight. 

As chicken is low in calories but high in beneficial nutrients that aid in weight loss, it is a great choice for anyone following a weight control program. 

How Much Chicken Should You Eat to Lose Weight? 

All the main food groups should be included in a diet low in simple carbohydrates and zero calories that promote weight loss. For instance, losing weight is possible with a diet of 1100–1200 calories, 25–28% of which come from protein. 

One to one and a half grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is recommended for people trying to lose weight. It is best to consult with a dietitian to find out your specific protein requirements and portion sizes. 

Also, you should remember that protein requirements might vary based on weight and activity level. 

Some crucial benefits to consider

Numerous vitamins and minerals found in chicken help lessen stress and ease premenstrual symptoms. It is noteworthy for having phosphorus, niacin, and selenium, all of which can help with weight management and enhance general physical health. 

To gain muscle mass and reduce weight, a well-balanced diet that includes the proper amounts of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids must be consumed together with frequent physical exercise.

Essential considerations to include Chicken in Your Diet for Weight Loss 

  • Lean chicken parts, including skinless chicken breasts or thighs, will help you consume fewer calories. Compared to other chicken parts, these cuts have fewer calories and fat. 

  • Your dinner may include a significant amount of extra calories and bad fats from frying the chicken. Try boiled chicken, baking, grilling, or sautéing your chicken instead. 

  • Serve your chicken with nutritious sides like salad, brown rice, makki roti, or roasted veggies for a wholesome dinner. These will give you the fiber, vitamins, and minerals you need to feel content and full all day.  

  • Be mindful of the portions you eat. Eat no more than 3–4 ounces of chicken in each serving, or around the size of a deck of cards. 

  • Compared to grain-fed chicken, grass-fed chicken has a greater protein and nutritional content and is lower in calories and fat. For this reason, it can be a useful addition to a diet for weight loss. 

Final words 

For effective weight loss, a balanced protein intake, frequent exercise, and a healthy diet are essential. Chicken can play a significant role in a diet that supports both general health and weight loss. 

If you are not okay with chicken, search for the best fish to eat as an alternative. To reap its benefits, make sure to incorporate it into your meals. But remember to stay away from processed and fried foods and choose baked or oil-free foods instead. 


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Ruhi Rajput

Nutritionist and Dietician, Ruhi Rajput is a renown name, championing the integration of nutrition, lifestyle, and mindfulness She has over a decade of valuable experience, empowering health and nutrition through holistic approach.

Recognised as India's top Dietician and Nutritionist expert, with experience in Clinical Nutrition & Ayurvedic Dietetics. Ruhi has crafted a niche for herself with her excellence in gut health, natural Hormone balance with food and weight loss programs. She is popular for her holistic health approach and offers comprehensive solutions to gut health, weight management, autoimmune disorders and diet for Diabetes, Kidney and fatty liver.

Drawing from her expertise in nutrition and functional medicine Ruhi Rajput has made it easy for countless individuals to reach their optimal health goal with commitment to sustainable and holistic approach.

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